Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Macedonian Nautical Web Portal

We are happy to announce the launch of the first Macedonian nautical web portal

The owner of this portal Mr. Stefan Stavrev, who is secretary in general of the Macedonian Sailing Federation and actual president of the Sailing Club Bofor from Ohrid is announcing a lot of various content, actual nautical and sailing news from the country and abroad, links to different companies nautical related and other important entities.

You can find the portal here.

Macedonian web media about the portal:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Sailing Season 2012 / NEWS

In addition to this summer sailing season 2012 is the Sailing Summer School for children.

''...The possibility to participate to a lot of regattas in Macedonia and abroad like Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Holland etc., a lot of new acquaintances and friendships with other sailors from all over the world, the wish for self presentation in the sports world, the wish for winning and the opportunity for one day to be Macedonian represent to some Balkan, European or World's cup we think are enough reason and dare for You to become interested in to start learning how to sail...''
(part of the promotion text)

The summer school start today and ends 31st of july when it's the official start of our 44 annual International Ilinden Sailing Regatta in which the best of the summer school will get the right to participate.

*The children who can attend the summer school have to be at age 8 and older.
For any other information see contact